





One, mould appearance
1. 铭牌内容是否打印模具编号、模具重量(KG)、模具外形尺寸(mm),字符均用1/8英寸的字码打上,字符清晰、排列整齐。
1. nameplate print mold number, mold weight (KG), die size (mm), the characters are marked with a 1/8 inch code, characters clear, neat.
2. 铭牌是否固定在模腿上靠近后模板和基准角的地方(离两边各有15mm的距离),用四个柳钉固定,固定可靠,不易剥落。
2., whether the nameplate is fixed on the mould leg near the rear template and the reference angle (15mm distance from each side), it is fixed with four yoke nails, fixed and reliable, and it is not easy to peel off.
3. 冷却水嘴是否用塑料块插水嘴,¢10管,规格可为G1/8″、G1/4″、G3/8″。如合同有特殊要求,按合同。
3. whether the plastic block cooling nozzle plug nozzle, of 10 tubes, specifications for the G1/8 "," G1/4 and G3/8 ". If the contract has special requirements, the contract is according to the contract.
4. 冷却水嘴是否伸出模架表面,水嘴头部凹进外表面不超过3mm。
4. whether the cooling nozzle is extended to the surface of the mold frame, and the head of the nozzle is concave on the outer surface not more than 3mm.
5. 冷却水嘴避空孔直径是否为¢25、¢30、¢35mm三种规格,孔外沿有倒角,倒角大于1.5×45,倒角一致。
5. cooling nozzle hole diameter is Phi gap 25, Phi 30, Phi 35mm three specifications, along with chamfer chamfer hole, greater than 1.5 x 45, consistent chamfer.
6. 冷却水嘴是否有进出标记,进水为IN,出水为OUT,IN、OUT后加顺序号,如IN1、OUT1。
6. whether or not the cooling water nozzle has the mark of import and export, the water is IN, the water is OUT, and the order number is added after IN and OUT, such as IN1 and OUT1.
7. 标识英文字符和数字是否大写(5/6″),位置在水嘴正下方10mm处,字迹清晰、美观、整齐、间距均匀。
7. signs of English characters and numbers (5/6 "), located in the bottom of the water mouth 10mm, clear, beautiful, neat, evenly spaced.
8. 进出油嘴、进出气嘴是否同冷却水嘴,并在IN、OUT前空一个字符加G(气)、O(油)。
8. the inlet and exit of the nozzle, the inlet and outlet of the gas nozzle and the cooling nozzle, and a character with G (gas) and O (oil) before IN and OUT.
9. 模具安装方向上的上下侧开设水嘴,是否内置,并开导流槽或下方有支撑柱加以保护。
On the lower side of the 9. mold installation direction of the nozzle opening, is built, and launder or below a shore protection channel.
10. 无法内置的油嘴或水嘴下方是否有支撑柱加以保护。
10. can not be built in the nozzle or the nozzle under the support column to protect.
11. 模架上各模板是否有基准角符号,大写英文DATUM,字高5/16″,位置在离边10mm处,字迹清晰、美观、整齐、间距均匀。
Is there any base angle symbol on each of the 11. mould boards? The capital English DATUM, the word height 5/16 ", is located at the edge 10mm, the handwriting is clear, beautiful, neat, and the spacing is even.
12. 各模板是否有零件编号,编号在基准角符号正下方离底面10mm处,要求同11号。
12. whether the template has part number, number in the base angle symbol below the bottom of the bottom 10mm, required with the same number 11.
13. 模具配件是否影响模具的吊装和存放,如安装时下方有外漏的油缸、水嘴、预复位机构等,应有支撑腿保护。
13. die parts will affect the hoisting and storage of the mould, such as the oil cylinder, water nozzle, pre reset mechanism and so on, which should be protected by the supporting leg.
14. 支撑腿的安装是否用螺丝穿过支撑腿固定在模架上,或过长的支撑腿车加工外螺纹紧固在模架上。
Whether the installation of the 14. support leg is fixed on the mold frame with the screw through the support leg, or the overlong supporting leg car is fastened to the die frame.
15. 模具顶出孔是否符合指定的注塑机,除小型模具外,原则上不能只用一个中心顶出(模具长度或宽度尺寸有一个大于500mm时),顶出孔直径应比顶出杆大5-10mm。
15., whether the ejection hole of the mold is in line with the specified injection molding machine, except for the small mold, it can not be used for only one center ejection (the length or width of the mold is larger than 500mm). The diameter of the ejection hole should be larger than that of the ejector rod 5-10mm.
16. 定位圈是否可靠固定(一般用三个M6或M8的内六角螺丝),直径一般为¢100或¢150mm,高出顶板10mm。如合同有特殊要求,按全同。
Whether the 16. positioning ring fixation (three M6 or M8 with the inner six angle screw), diameter is Phi Phi 150mm of 100 or higher, the roof 10mm. If the contract has special requirements, it is the same as the contract.
17. 定位圈安装孔必须为沉孔,不准直接贴在模架顶面上。
The installation hole of the 17. positioning ring must be a sinker, not directly attached to the top of the mold frame.
18. 重量超过8000KG的模具安装在注塑机上时,是否用穿孔方式压螺丝,不得单独压压板。如设备采用液压锁紧模具,也必须加上螺丝穿孔,以防液压机构失效。
18. more than 8000KG of the weight of the mold installed in the injection machine, whether to press the screw in the way of perforation, no pressure plate alone. If the equipment uses hydraulic locking die, it must also add screw piercing in order to prevent the failure of hydraulic mechanism.
19. 浇口套球R是否大于注塑机喷嘴球R。
The 19. gate ball R is larger than the injection machine nozzle ball R.
20. 浇口套入口直径是否大于喷嘴注射口直径。
Whether the diameter of the entrance diameter of the 20. gate is greater than that of the nozzle injection.
21. 模具外形尺寸是否符合指定的注塑机。
21. whether the shape and size of the mold conforms to the specified injection molding machine.
22. 安装有方向要求的模具是否在前模板或后模上用箭头标明安装方向,箭头旁应有“UP”字样,箭头和文字均用漏板喷黄色漆,字高50mm。
22. installation direction of mold requirements are marked with an arrow in the installation template before or after molding, the arrow beside the proper "UP" words, arrows and text with bushing painted yellow, 50mm high letters.
23. 模架表面是否有凹坑、锈迹,多余不用的吊环、进出水、气、油孔等及其他影响外观的缺陷。
The surface of the 23. frame has pits, rust, redundant rings, water, gas, oil holes and other defects that affect the appearance of the surface.
24. 模架各板是否都有大于1.5mm的倒角。
Whether each plate of the 24. frame has a chamfering angle greater than 1.5mm.
25. 模具是否便于吊装、运输,吊装时不得拆卸模具零部件(油缸除外需单独包装)。吊环与水嘴、油缸、预复位杆等干涉,可以更改吊环孔位置。
25. the mold is convenient for hoisting and transportation, and the die parts shall not be dismantled (except for the oil cylinder, except for the separate packing). The position of the ring hole can be changed by the interference of the ring and the water nozzle, the oil cylinder and the pre reset rod.
26. 每个重量超过10KG的模具零部件是否有合适的吊环孔,如没有,也需有相应措施保证零部件拆卸安装方便。吊环大小和吊环孔位置按相关企业标准设计。
26. if there is a proper ring hole in the mold parts with each weight exceeding 10KG, the corresponding measures are required to ensure the disassembly and installation of the parts. The size of the ring and the position of the ring hole are designed according to the related enterprise standards.
27. 吊环是否能旋到底,吊装平衡。
27. whether the ring can rotate to the end and hoisting balance.
28. 顶杆、顶块等顶出机构如与滑块等干涉,是否有强制预复位机构,顶板有复位行程开关。
28. top bars, top block and other ejecting mechanisms such as slider and other interference, whether there is a mandatory pre reset mechanism, the roof has a reset stroke switch.
29. 油缸抽芯、顶出是否有行程开关控制,安装可靠。
29. oil cylinder core pulling, top out of the travel switch control, installation is reliable.
30. 模具分油器是否固定可靠。
30. whether the mold oil separator is fixed and reliable.
31. 连接分油器与油缸的油管是否用胶管,接头用标准件。
31. whether the pipe is used to connect the oil separator and the oil cylinder of the oil cylinder, and the standard part is used for the joint.
32. 顶针板丁是否有垃圾钉。
32. whether there is a garbage pin for the tack.
33. 模具撑头面积是否为方腿间后模板面积的25%—30%。
33. the area of the die brace is 25% - 30% for the area of the rear plate between the square legs.
34. 撑头是否比模腿高出0.05—0.15mm,并不与顶出孔干涉。
Whether the 34. brace is 0.05 - 0.15mm higher than the die leg, and does not interfere with the ejection hole.
35. 锁模器是否安装可靠,有定位销,对称安装,不少于4个(小模具可2个)。
35. mode locking device is reliable, positioning pin, symmetrical installation, no less than 4 (small mold can be 2).
36. 三板模前模板与水口板之间是否有弹簧,以辅助开模。
36. whether there is a spring between the front template of the three plate die and the water mouth plate to assist the die opening.
37. 大型模具所有零配件安装完毕,合模是否有干涉的地方。
37. all parts of the large mold have been installed, and there is an interference place.
38. 如注塑机采用延伸喷嘴,定位圈内部是否有足够大的空间,以保证标准的注塑机加长喷嘴带加热圈可以伸入。
38. if the injection machine uses an extension nozzle, there is enough space inside the positioning ring to ensure that the standard injection machine with a long nozzle with a heating ring can be reached.
39. 所有斜顶是否都可以从一个通过底板和顶针底板的且其角度与斜顶角度一致的孔拆卸。
39. whether all the slanted top can be removed from a hole which is consistent with the angle of the top needle and the angle of the top needle and the angle of the oblique top.
40. 螺丝安装孔底面是否为平面。
The bottom surface of the 40. screw installation hole is flat.
41. M12(含M12)以上的螺丝是否为进口螺丝(12.9级)。
41. M12 (M12) screw is the import screw (12.9).
Two. Reposition, plug and piece
1. 顶出时是否顺畅、无卡滞、无异响。
The 1. ejection is smooth, no stagnation, no difference.
2. 斜顶是否表面抛光,斜顶面低于型芯面0.1—0.15mm。
2. slanted top surface is polished, and the top surface is 0.1 - 0.15mm below the core surface.
3. 斜顶是否有导滑槽,材料为锡青铜,内置在后模模架内,用螺丝固定,定位销定位。
3. diagonal top whether there is a guide groove, the material is tin bronze, built-in in the mold frame, screw fixed, positioning pin positioning.
4. 顶杆端面是
The end face of the 4. rod is


  1. 名称:保定巨盛模具制造有限公司
  2. 电话:13833064090
  3. 手机:15188633222
  4. 地址:河北省保定市清苑区闫庄工业园

版权 © 保定巨盛模具制造有限公司 网址:dianlancaom.75ix.com  推荐:电缆槽模具,流水槽模具,检查井钢模板,隔离墩钢模具
