





Key points of inspection well masonry
(1) At the position of the inspection well of the drainage pipe that has been installed, set out the central position line of the inspection well, and set out the position of the brick wall of the shaft wall according to the size of the inspection well.
(2) On the foundation surface of the inspection well, the mortar shall be paved first, and then the bricks shall be laid. Generally, the one-step masonry or two-step masonry shall be adopted. The vertical mortar joints on the upper and lower surfaces of each layer of brick shall be staggered. Check the dimension along with the masonry.
(3) The steps in the well shall be installed along with the masonry, and the embedded depth shall not be less than the design requirements. After the step is installed, it is not allowed to step on it before the masonry mortar reaches the specified strength. The steps of concrete inspection shaft wall shall be installed during prefabrication or cast-in-place.
(4) The launder in the drainage inspection well shall be built when the well wall is laid to the top of the pipe. The height of the flow channel of the water inspection well is flush with the top of the pipe; the height of the flow channel of the rainwater inspection well is 1 / 2 of the pipe diameter. When brick masonry is adopted, the surface shall be compacted and polished with 1:2 cement mortar layer by layer, and the chute shall be connected with upstream and downstream pipelines.


  1. 名称:保定巨盛模具制造有限公司
  2. 电话:13833064090
  3. 手机:15188633222
  4. 地址:河北省保定市清苑区闫庄工业园

版权 © 保定巨盛模具制造有限公司 网址:dianlancaom.75ix.com  推荐:电缆槽模具,流水槽模具,检查井钢模板,隔离墩钢模具
